
Friday, December 19, 2003

"The Girl Is Mine," Michael Jackson/Paul McCartney (1/15/83)
I wonder what a Beatles record would've sounded like produced by Quincy Jones rather than George Martin. Or, for that matter, an entire Macca album studio'd by Q? Anyway, this is a really lovely, gorgeous record; don't dismiss it out of hand, especially if you've not heard it in some time. Yes, it's a bit on the twee 'n schmaltzy side. Yes, it's tasteful - or "tasteful," if you prefer. But that doesn't change the fact that it's actually a well-written song, well sung (well, as long as Jacko's not making those guttural noises he makes, nearly anything with either of these two on it's going to be well-sung), cleanly produced. What gets it over for me, though, is that you can hear the nascent friendship between the superstar pair in the way they banter near song's end. Thisisgoodandifyoudisagreewithmeyouarewrongsoshutup. B+

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